Get Growing!


These free educational and often hands-on weekly gardening programs are held on Thursdays from June 13-August 15, except July 4, and feature guest speakers on a variety of topics. Join us from 1:30-2:30 p.m. at the Train Station, unless otherwise noted. Pre-registration is not required.


  • June 13: Tom deHaas discusses “Common Tree Pests & Diseases” and leads an outdoor walking tour starting from the Train Station
  • June 20: Tim Brotzman discusses “America’s First Seed Catalogues”
  • June 27: Gale Martin discusses “Natives for Pollinators & Year-Round Color”
  • July 4: No program due to holiday
  • July 11: Carrie Elvey discusses “Moths of Ohio”
  • July 18: Kathy Smith discusses “Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs & Vines”
  • July 25: Kyle Bueter discusses “The Science of Composting”
  • July 31: Ian Adams discusses “Smartphone Landscapes & Nature Photography” (3:30-5:30 p.m.)
  • Aug. 1: Ian Adams takes participants on a “Photo Walk of Lakeside Chautauqua” (9-11 a.m.)
  • Aug. 1: Ian Adams discusses “Photography of Ohio’s Public Gardens & Arboretums”
  • Aug. 8: Eric Barrett discusses “Hydrangeas 101”
  • Aug. 15: Loretta Wilken discusses “Flower Pounding & Natural Dyes”
    Flowers have other jobs besides looking pretty. This program features a brief description of natural dyes and a hands-on project using flower blossoms and hammers or mallets. Flowers and paper will be provided. Please bring your own mallet or hammer.

For announcements, check the ‘Event Changes’ button on Lakeside’s homepage.

The event is finished.


Jun 13, 2024


1:30 pm - 2:30 pm


Train Station
Train Station
710 Central Avenue, Lakeside Marblehead, OH, USA


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