Lakeside Chautauqua is a one square mile community nestled on the shores of the Marblehead Peninsula. Since its founding in 1873, Lakeside has cared for the people, sacred grounds and the idea of being good stewards of our resources and planet.

During Lakeside’s early years, families pitched tents along the shoreline, carried in meals to cook, experienced fellowship and left the land how they found it. As cottages and buildings were built, the Lakeside community reused and cared for the resources through the years.

Sustainability is the fabric of our Chautauqua community. The way we live and care for Lakeside today affects how future generations experience Lakeside. Today, we’re sharing more information about our efforts, so that you and your family can join the movement when you visit Lakeside. 

The historic pictures are provided courtesy of the Lakeside Heritage Society Archives.    

Net Zero Goals

Lakeside Chautauqua is thinking big with the Net Zero Goals. It takes us all helping in small ways to become a sustainable community.

Zero Pollution

Zero Pollution and Carbon reflects the desire to absolutely minimize pollution of our environment. Clean Water, clean air and a healthy environment for all natural forms of life must be improved and maintained. All components that we use should have no lasting harm of the environment. Read more. 

Zero Waste

Zero Waste reflects the desire to divert all waste from landfills by minimizing consumption, maximizing the useful life of materials and encourage a virtuous cycle of material use and reuse. Read more. 


Zero Energy

Zero Energy is part of the goal to minimize carbon dioxide and encourage sustainable energy sources. Lakeside needs to minimize energy consumption and to use sustainable energy (solar, wind, hydro, etc.) as much as possible. Read more.  

Zero Water

Zero Water reflects the desire both to minimize water use and to minimize and control storm water runoff. By reducing water use, we reduce energy consumption.  This is done by reducing the need to clean water, pump water and water treatment. Read more.        

We believe that people, communities and businesses working together and caring about the people and our planet can achieve magnificent changes. It’s a movement. The movement is powered by you and many others - with a small step, a small change - your part becomes the bigger part. When visiting Lakeside, you are supporting sustainability, a local economy and putting people and our planet first.

View the Calendar of Events

Learn about the Chautauqua Experience before you visit and plan to participate in the summer enrichment.