Community Worship: Rev. Dr. Jim Wallis
Lakeside is excited to welcome Rev. Dr. Jim Wallis, Archbishop Desmond Tutu Chair in Faith & Justice at Georgetown University, Founder of Sojourners Community and former Editor of Sojourners magazine in Washington, D.C., as Preacher of the Week July 21-25. This week’s preacher is supported by Jim & Susan Hackbarth and Ted & Rosy Walkenhorst.
Wallis will lead the 10:30 a.m. Chautauqua Community Worship Service on Sunday, July 21 in Hoover Auditorium. His sermon is titled “The False White Gospel & the Way Forward,” based on Genesis 1:26, Luke 10:25–37 and Galatians 3:28.
Wallis’ theme for the week is based on his new book, The False White Gospel, Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy.
Michael Shirtz and guest artist Carol Dusdieken will provide musical leadership during the service, while the liturgy will be led by Rev. Dr. Charles Yoost, Senior Director of Religious Life & Pastoral Care. Worship music for the 2024 summer season is supported by James E. Beardsley and Doris F. Beardsley.
Following the opening prayer, children (ages 5-11) will proceed to Bradley Temple for Children’s Church with Chip Richter. There will be a message by Richter, songs, crafts, lemonade and cookies to share. Preschoolers are welcome if accompanied by an adult.
Wallis is a writer, teacher, preacher and justice advocate who believes the gospel of Jesus must be transformed from its cultural and political captivities and always be “good news” to the poor and oppressed.
He is a New York Times bestselling author, public theologian, renowned preacher and commentator on ethics and public life. In 2022, Washingtonian magazine named Wallis one of the 500 most influential people shaping policy in D.C.
Raised in a midwestern evangelical family, as a teenager Wallis questioned the racial segregation in his church and community, which led him to the Black churches and neighborhoods of inner-city Detroit. He spent his student years involved in the civil rights and antiwar movements at Michigan State University.
He is the founder of Sojourners and is the author of 13 books, including America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege and the Bridge to America; God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It; The Great Awakening; The Call to Conversion; and Christ in Crisis: Reclaiming Jesus in a Time of Fear, Hate, and Violence.
His latest book, The False White Gospel: Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy, was released April 2024 and is available wherever you buy books. Wallis also hosts the popular podcast The Soul of the Nation.
Wallis will lead Faith for Living Hour at 9 a.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week in Orchestra Hall. His wife, Joy Carroll Wallis, will lead Faith for Living Hour on Wednesday at 9 a.m. Please note Vespers by the Lake will not be held this week due to the Camp Meeting.
Joy Carroll will share her story during her visit. In 1994, she was the first woman to be an ordained priest in the Church of England. Her ministry in London’s inner city embraced the needs of the poor, homeless, mentally ill, families, youth and the elderly. Her experience in the priesthood was the inspiration behind the hit BBC sitcom, “The Vicar of Dibley.”
Guests are welcome to attend Community Worship free of charge by requesting a complimentary Church Pass between 7:30-10:30 a.m. Sunday; valid until 1 p.m. The pass includes admittance for guests and auto. This pass must be presented to the gate attendant upon departure. If the time allotted is exceeded, the guest(s) will be charged a fee. This pass does not include access to the Grindley Aquatic & Wellness Campus pool. Complimentary passes are available for all worship services and Faith for Living Hour.
The event is finished.
- Jul 21, 2024
- Expired!
- 10:30 am