Sailing Classes

The Lakeside Sailing Center offers weekly Level I and II Sailing Classes from June 12-Aug. 4, except July 4. Classes are for ages 10+, and limited spots are available for ages 8-9. Sailing Classes are taught by U.S. Sailing Certified Instructors on Optis and Sunfish watercraft. All participants must pass a swim test on the first day of class.

Level I (Beginner) Classes: 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Monday-Friday
This class covers the fundamentals of sailing terminology, wind, steering, boat care, crew responsibilities, seamanship and safety.

Level II (Intermediate) Classes: 8:30-10 a.m., Monday-Friday
In this class, sailors should already know how to rig a sailboat and be able to handle a boat on all points of sail on their own. This class builds on the basics with students learning the finer points of boat handling and sail theory. There’s an emphasis on developing confidence for independent sailing and learning currents, weather, racing rules of sailing and more.

The cost is $95 for the week. Registration opens at 8 a.m. Thursday, the week before classes start.  REGISTER NOW!

Private lessons are available for both children and adults throughout the summer depending on instructor availability. Private lessons are $60 per lesson. Please inquire at the Waterfront Rental Center under the Pavilion or call (419) 798-4461, ext. 266.

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Aug 04, 2023

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