CLS: Artificial Intelligence
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Learn how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the world we live in from possibly helping resolve past nation conflicts to innovative medicine.
Christopher Graves
Monday, July 15, 10:30 a.m. | Orchestra Hall
“A Learner’s Journey through AI”
This lecture introduces participants to AI and its growing presence in daily life and education. It includes interactive segments demonstrating AI’s use in everyday apps and its potential impact on personalized learning, predictive analytics and administrative tasks.
Hands-on activities guide participants in using ChatGPT for research and creative thinking. The lecture concludes by recapping key points, discussing AI’s future potential and ethical concerns, and providing resources for further learning.
Christopher Graves’ passion has always been to make a positive impact on the lives of children by improving school systems, cultures and infrastructures. His focus has been on driving outcomes through targeted instruction while building positive and supportive relationships.
Graves has worked with students of all academic abilities, from those at-risk to those accelerated, and has developed a repertoire of strategies to both mentor these students and influence adults to support them appropriately.
He is a principal with Chicago Public Schools, a Fellow for the Chicago Council on Global Affairs Emerging Leaders Program and Fellow for the Malott Family Foundation through the Chicago Public Education Fund. Graves earned a Doctor of Education from Illinois State University.
Bart Woodstrup
Tuesday, July 16, 10:30 a.m. | Orchestra Hall
“Creative Machines in the Digital Art Studio: Challenges and Opportunity”
The use of Artificial Intelligence in art and design encourages experimentation, pushing the boundaries of traditional artistic expression and design conventions. However, technology’s role in this creative process raises ethical concerns about originality, authorship and labor practices.
This presentation will showcase artwork created with these new tools, while addressing some of the challenges artists face in the creative marketplace.
Bart Woodstrup is an artist and musician working in time-based electronic media, focusing on issues of technology at the boundary between humanity and nature. This is exemplified by his installation work, environmental data visualizations and pieces that incorporate alternative energy as a power source.
He holds an MFA from the Integrated Electronic Art Program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an MM in computer music from Northern Illinois University. Woodstrup is currently an Associate Professor in the Digital Art program at Bowling Green State University.
Dr. Stefan Fritsch
Wednesday, July 17, 10:30 a.m. | Orchestra Hall
“The Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence”
Over the last decade, AI has evolved into a core technology of the 21st century with far reaching implications for practically every dimension of human life.
This emerging technology has triggered a new global scramble between countries and companies to master AI and either stay at the cutting edge of innovation or try to catch up to the leaders in the field. Intensifying geopolitical struggles between the major world powers such as the U.S., China, India or the European Union further fuel the competition for global AI-superiority.
Meanwhile, world regions lacking the necessary scientific, technological or financial capabilities could face continuing marginalization. Just as in previous historic phases of rapid technological evolution, AI will be an important factor in the reshuffling of global power relations.
Dr. Stefan Fritsch is an associate professor of international relations in the Political Science Department at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) where he is also affiliated with the International Studies Program.
He received his master’s and Ph.D. from the University of Salzburg, Austria. Since he came to BGSU in 2007, he has served twice as director of the school’s study abroad program in Salzburg.
Nelson Rosario
Thursday, July 18, 10:30 a.m. | Orchestra Hall
“How AI is Changing the Law in the U.S.”
This lecture will focus on the impact that the development of AI in recent years is having on the legal landscape in the U.S. A survey of recent legal updates related to AI will be given as well as the underlying narrative background driving AI legal developments in the country.
Thursday, July 18, 3:30 p.m. | Orchestra Hall
“AI: The Promise & Peril of Automating the Law”
This lecture will focus on the benefits and drawbacks to using AI in disputes and the business world. A particular focus will be given to recent developments in the application of AI to the law and government.
Nelson Rosario is a tech lawyer and the founder of Rosario Tech Law, LLC, a boutique law firm focused on working with clients dealing with emerging technologies that are changing the way we think about privacy, property and power.
Rosario is also an adjunct law professor, and he has been quoted in The New York Times, TechCrunch, Law360 and other publications.
In addition to being a regular speaker on legal issues raised by emerging technology topics, Rosario is an appointee to the Illinois Supreme Court AI Task Force to create recommendations for the use of Generative AI in the Illinois courts.
Rosario has degrees in computer science, history and political science. He’s licensed to practice law in the State of Illinois and before the United States Patent & Trademark Office.
Dr. Devinder Kaur
Friday, July 19, 10:30 a.m. | Orchestra Hall
“Nature Inspired Computing for Engineering Applications”
This talk will focus on various algorithms that have been developed taking inspiration from nature, by observing the natural phenomena such as genetic algorithms, particle Swarm Organization, cuckoo search algorithm, grey wolf algorithm, artificial bee colony, Immunocomputing and their applications in the design of smart power grid management, power scheduling, finding the shortest path for the traveling sales and its other application in path planning.
Dr. Devinder Kaur is a professor and Graduate Program Director in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Toledo.
She obtained her Ph.D. in computer engineering from Wayne State University in Detroit. Kaur’s research interests are to develop intelligent engineering applications based on hybrid computational models developed using Nature Inspired Computing and Fuzzy Systems.
She has published upwards of 125 papers in refereed journals and proceedings of the international conferences. Kaur has worked on research projects funded by the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Air Force Research Laboratory, Daimler Chrysler and ROMAN Engineering.
She is a life member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Kaur is the recipient of Commonwealth Scholarship, Thomas Rumble Fellowship and Fulbright Senior Specialist Award and visited Nippon Institute of Technology Japan in that capacity.