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CLS: Lakeside University

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Lakesiders come from different backgrounds and are a wealth of knowledge. This week is their time to shine and share their experiences and expertise with others. Check back for the lecture schedule.

Bill Carlson

Monday, Aug. 26, 10:30 a.m. | Orchestra Hall
“How the ‘Stolen’ Election of 1876 Affects Us”

1876-77 saw the election of Ohio’s Rutherford Hayes. Returns from four states were disputed. Congress couldn’t resolve them. So a politically tilted special commission and a back-room deal produced a Hayes win. Hence the “stolen” charges. That election prompted a law setting new procedures for counting Electoral College votes. This law has governed certification of every election from that time down to our time.

In 2022, Congress revised and clarified the original Electoral Count Act. We’ll talk about how those changes will affect certification of this year’s election.

Bill Carlson was a reporter or editor at five Oho newspapers, primarily The Cleveland Plain Dealer, where he covered government and political campaigns and was an editorial writer. He also was editor of national and foreign news, including supervision of the PD Washington Bureau. He has given talks here on Ohio’s eight presidents and the history of the Chautauqua movement. Bill and his wife Nancy have a cottage on Poplar Avenue.

National Museum of the Great Lakes Tour

Tuesday, Aug. 27, 10 a.m. | Orchestra Hall
“Hardhat Tour of the Schoonmaker, Ohio & St. Mary’s Challenger”

Set foot in spaces typically off-limits to visitors in an exclusive, behind-the-scenes tour of the Col. James M. Schoonmaker Museum Ship, the Museum Tug Ohio and the St. Marys Challenger Pilothouse. During this 2 hour experience you have the exclusive opportunity to take a deeper dive into the ships’ inner workings and visit “hard-hat” only locations like the:

  1. The Schoonmaker‘s Owners Galley, the lowest points of the boat, as well as a deeper look in the vessel’s engine room.
  2. The Tug Ohio’s Engine Room and Forward Cabins.
  3. The Interior of the St. Marys Challenger Pilothouse (currently still under restoration efforts).

From glimpses into our newest artifact’s restoration, to the Schoonmaker’s original boiler bricks—you’ll see it all from an insider’s view.

Cost is $65 and registration information will be forthcoming. Travel to the site is your responsibility.


  1. The spaces that we will be sharing with you on this tour are difficult to access. The tour will include a lot of climbing of steep and narrow stairways and a lot of bending to accommodate for low head room.
  2. We encourage you to dress appropriately including wearing closed-toed shoes, long pants, and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. We will provide hard hats and any other safety necessities.

Lakeside University

Wednesday, Aug. 28, 10:30 a.m. | Orchestra Hall
“Title TBA”

Lakeside University

Thursday, Aug 29, 10:30 a.m. | Orchestra Hall
“Title TBA”

Lakeside University

Friday, Aug. 30, 10:30 a.m. | Orchestra Hall
“Title TBA”


Aug 26 - 30, 2024

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