Community Worship: Rev. Dr. Gary Simpson
Lakeside is pleased to welcome Rev. Dr. Gary Simpson, Senior Pastor at Concord Baptist Church of Christ in Brooklyn, New York, and Associate Professor of Preaching & Pastoral Formation at Drew University Theological School in Madison, New Jersey, as Preacher of the Week July 28-Aug. 1. This week’s preacher is supported by the Knobel Family Endowment.
Simpson will lead the 10:30 a.m. Chautauqua Community Worship Service on Sunday, July 28 in Hoover Auditorium.
Michael Shirtz and guest artists will provide musical leadership during the service, while the liturgy will be led by Rev. Dr. Charles Yoost, Senior Director of Religious Life & Pastoral Care. Worship music for the 2024 summer season is supported by James E. Beardsley and Doris F. Beardsley.
Following the opening prayer, children (ages 5-11) will proceed to Bradley Temple for Children’s Church with Chip Richter. There will be a message by Richter, songs, crafts, lemonade and cookies to share. Preschoolers are welcome if accompanied by an adult.
Simpson is married to Rev. Dr. Emma Jordan-Simpson, President of Auburn Theological Seminary. Together, their ministry has a formidable impact on the betterment of the world as they serve and advocate for the lives of people often left out or overlooked.
He is presently the Director of the Compelling Preaching Initiative of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, sponsored by the Lilly Endowment.
Guests are welcome to attend Community Worship free of charge by requesting a complimentary Church Pass between 7:30-10:30 a.m. Sunday; valid until 1 p.m. The pass includes admittance for guests and auto. This pass must be presented to the gate attendant upon departure. If the time allotted is exceeded, the guest(s) will be charged a fee. This pass does not include access to the Grindley Aquatic & Wellness Campus pool. Complimentary passes are available for all worship services and Faith for Living Hour.
The event is finished.
- Jul 28, 2024
- Expired!
- 10:30 am