LHS: Sunday Seminar

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Join the Lakeside Heritage Society (LHS) at 1:30 p.m. Sundays from June 16-Aug. 18 in Orchestra Hall for a seminar.


June 16: Ohio’s “Other” Chautauqua: The History of Miami Valley Chautauqua
At the height of the American Chautauqua movement in the Late 19th century, another Ohio Chautauqua was founded on the Great Miami River. The little-known history of this Chautauqua and its eventual fate will be discussed by Lakesider Terry Tomlinson. 

June 23: History of Youth Ministry at Lakeside – Epworth League & Lakeside Institute
Youth-focused programming at Lakeside, Ohio, originated in the days of the Camp Meeting and the Sunday School Assemblies of the 1870s and continues today. This presentation will discuss the history of two youth programs that significantly impacted Lakeside – the Epworth League, founded in Cleveland in 1889, and the Lakeside Youth Institute, started in 1915. The program is led by Rev. Chris Martin, retired pastor of Epworth-Euclid United Methodist Church, a descent church of the birthplace of Epworth League.

June 30: Lakeside & the War of 1812
Lakesiders Dave Blank and Ed Brewster relate how the War of 1812 impacted Danbury and Western Ohio, and how the conflict resulted in their family losing ownership of lands on the Marblehead Peninsula.

July 7: Ohio, The “Mother” of U.S. Presidents
Eight of 46 U.S. Presidents were born in Ohio and married remarkable women. Carol McKinney, a noted First Lady re-enactor and 40+ year Lakesider, will offer insights into the marriages and White House experiences of these Ohioans.  From William Henry Harrison’s shortest presidency in 1841 to Warren Harding’s suspicious demise in 1923, she will share the humanity, strengths and foibles of these families living in the American spotlight.  Of these Presidents, two were assassinated and two others died while in office – all surrounded by significant drama. McKinney’s “her”story goes behind the curtains of “his”tory and brings White House life to her audiences.

July 14: 97 Years of Shuffleboard at Lakeside
Shuffleboard, one of the most popular recreational activities at Lakeside, has existed here for nearly 100 years. With one of the best facilities in the world, Lakeside has hosted many state, national and international tournaments. Four international champions had their start at Lakeside. This presentation is led by Lakesider Bill Hoyer.

July 21: 1874-1878 Building Foundations in Turbulent Times
This program focuses on Lakeside’s Dedication Camp Meeting, held July 29-August 4, 1874, and the first Sunday School Encampments of 1877 and 1878. Who were the nationally known speakers and what were their objectives? Who were the attendees, what was their faith, how did they build community and what disruptions did they face? Together, how did they begin to create Lakeside’s foundation for the future? This presentation is led by Dave Boling, LHS Trustee.

July 28: Fast Men & Women on Bicycles in the Late 1800s
The development of the bicycle had a marked impact on American culture in the late 1800s and early 1900s as a new way of personal travel, especially for women who were no longer restricted to walking or traveling with a chaperone in a carriage. Richard DeLombard will review the history of bicycle advances and how it altered American culture.

DeLombard, a retired engineer from NASA Glenn, bought his first high wheel bicycle or penny farthing in 2007 followed by purchase of other vintage bikes and tricycles. He has ridden his bicycle to Indiana, Wisconsin and Missouri as well as numerous parades. He will demonstrate riding his current 57” high wheel bicycle around Hotel Lakeside area after his presentation.

Aug. 4: Fires at Lakeside: Arson, Accidental or Acts of God
A building fire happens in the US every 1 1/2 minutes with a story behind every one of them. Lakeside is no exception. Learn about memorable fires in Lakeside’s past and the fascinating stories behind them from Phil Dale, LHS Trustee.


Aug. 18: Lakeside Memories Panel
Cindy Grimm, LHS Trustee, moderates a panel of Lakeside Storytellers: Mark Carle, Dee Grindley and Mary Ann Hirsch. The panel will be followed by the LHS Annual Membership Meeting with voting for new Board members. All LHS members are welcome.

The event is finished.


Aug 18, 2024


1:30 pm


Orchestra Hall
Orchestra Hall
122 West 2nd Street, Lakeside, Lakeside Marblehead, OH, USA


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